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Tag results for emergency
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Results from Popscreen (3 out of 9)
In Emergencies Should You Trust a Robot

In emergencies, people may trust robots too much for their own safety, a new study suggests. In a mock building fire, test subjects followed instructi
Toyota LandCruiser Emergency Network

The LandCruiser Emergency Network is an ongoing project aiming to bring emergency communications to rural and remote Australian communities that curre
Emergency goalie steals the show in Chicago

36-year-old accountant and emergency backup goalie Scott Foster makes his NHL debut after injuries, stopping all seven shots he faces to preserve the
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Industrial Emergency Management Solution

GOARC is revolutionizing the practice of industrial safety for the era of Industry 4.0 and is transforming the way that companies protect their workfo
Cult Leader Thinks He039s Jesus Documentary Exclusive

Deep in Siberia's Taiga forest is Vissarion, a cult leader who looks like Jesus and claims to be the voice of God. He's known as "the T